March 19, 2022
First, a note from Dale followed by a summary of yesterday’s deliveries from Olga. The team continues to identify needs and procure supplies to address them. Thanks to all who have supported this cause from the team and from the Ukrainians who so badly need these goods.
From Dale:
Dear Friends,
This is a quick update on donations past and current. In the first ten days of this conflict our team (Ukrainian, Polish and US) was successful in delivering close to $2 million into Ukraine (see attached spreadsheet). In previous updates I have stated “in excess of $ 2 million” as that is what Yaroslav and I saw go out of our bank accounts. As we have reconciled our accounts, due to the movement of payments through multiple currencies (US dollars, Euros, Polish zloties and Ukrainian hryvna), we have paid about 2% in foreign exchange costs. This is the only administrative costs we have incurred.
Thanks to your generous donations, we now have over $500,000 donated into the US accounts for the Foundation for Equity and Justice. With these funds, we have begun delivering needed supplies over the past few days, with just over $110,000 in goods delivered. As we make these purchases, Yaroslav and I will donate an additional 2%, to thereby ensure that every dollar donated to the Foundation in US dollars is a dollar delivered in Ukraine. Once the donations to Foundation for Equity and Justice have been spent, we will provide a line-item summary to all donors.
Thank you again,
Delivery Update from Olga:
Dear All,
Today’s update: 33 pallets - 18 tons of food including dry soups, baby dry food, dry milk, sugar, salt, sunflower oil, water and kinds juices and purees ($47 thousand) , 1200 medical Israeli bandages for NATO ($15 thousand). Everything delivered in 1 big truck to the warehouse next to the border and will be transferred through the border during this weekend.
The pictures are of the truck that was offered by Wiktor from CMS (medical supply company) to be used by Vladimir on the Ukrainian side to make our logistic chain more effective.
We have planned deliveries for the next weeks (hygienic products, baby Pampers, disposable tableware, medicine (syrups and coldrex etc.) and food products).
We do not stop! Only together we can win!
